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Who is Eligible to Vote? Who is Elected?

On the first Monday in May, 1969, and biennially on that day thereafter, there shall be elected in the Borough a warden, six burgesses, a clerk-treasurer, an assessor, and a tax collector. The term of office for each elected official shall commence one week from the date of election.


Eligibility to Vote in Borough Elections

At any regular or special Borough election, any person may vote who is then qualified to vote in Town of Stonington elections and who either:


a). resides within the Borough as of the date of such election, or


b). at the effective date of this Charter resided within the Town, but outside the Borough and was then on the Registrar's voting list for the Borough. The term "Electors" as used in this Charter shall mean those eligible to vote under this section.


Absentee Ballots

If you would like to vote by absentee ballots, you may do so by:

  1. Obtain & complete an application for absentee ballots.  These are available through the Borough Office, Clerk-Treasurer or by downloading below.

  2. Applications may be mailed to the Borough Office or delivered in person.

  3. Upon receipt of the application, a ballot may be mailed or handed out in person.

  4. Completed ballots may be mailed to the Borough Office or delivered in person.


PDF Document 535kb


Borough Office is located on the second floor in the Borough Hall at 26 Church Street. Take note of office hours.  Monday - Friday 9:00AM to 3:00PM . Please contact the Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Coleman at outside of office hours.


 Mailing Address:  PO Box 328, Stonington, CT 06378



26 Church Street, Stonington, CT 06378

Mailing Address: PO Box 328

Stonington, CT 06378


This  is the official home page for the Borough of Stonington, CT. No other pages or  information have been prepared by the Borough.

Every effort is made to include accurate and up-to-date information in good faith; however, the Borough of  Stonington takes no legal responsibility for

the information provided or found  as a consequence of this service nor for any loss or damage resulting from this  information.

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