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Annual Compliance Reports to DEEP

Under Federal EPA regulations, CT DEEP requires essentially all towns and boroughs in the state to develop stormwater plans and perform specifies actions, such as sweeping streets in the spring to prevent catch basins from becoming clogged with sand.  Among other requirements, the borough must submit an annual compliance reports to DEEP.

This year's report is found below:


MS4 Compliance-2016.pdf - Click here
Adobe Acrobat document [185.0 KB] 


StoningtonSWMP -RJC20170303_rev.pdf - Click here
Adobe Acrobat document [7.7 MB] 


Draft 2017 Annual Stormwater Report.pdf - Click here
Adobe Acrobat document [1.9 MB] 


Storm Water Management Draft 2022 Annual Stormwater Management Report-  Click here
Adobe Acrobat document [2.0 MB] 


Stormwater Management 2022 Annual Report MS4- Click here
Adobe Acrobat document [7.3 MB] 

The Town & Borough of Stonington invite you to participate in efforts to clean our community and protect our water resources.  The Borough announces the availability of the Town & Borough’s Draft Storm Water Management Plan.  This Draft Plan was developed and is announced in accordance with the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s (CTDEEP) General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater from Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems which was issued January 20, 2016 and becomes effective July 1, 2017.


Copies of the Draft Plan are available for review in the Borough Office during normal business hours and digitally on the Borough website. Comments should be submitted, in writing, by email to or by mail to the address found below.



Water Permitting and Enforcement Division

79 Elm Street

Hartford CT 06106

Attn: Karen Allen



26 Church Street, Stonington, CT 06378

Mailing Address: PO Box 328

Stonington, CT 06378


This  is the official home page for the Borough of Stonington, CT. No other pages or  information have been prepared by the Borough.

Every effort is made to include accurate and up-to-date information in good faith; however, the Borough of  Stonington takes no legal responsibility for

the information provided or found  as a consequence of this service nor for any loss or damage resulting from this  information.

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