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Guide to Using Borough Property for Special Events

The Special Events policy is adopted as a guide to establish minimum standards governing the use of Borough property, including roads and streets, for special events that are not sponsored by the Borough. The objective of this policy is to insure the safest possible conditions for event participants and spectators and to protect the Borough against loss incurred as a result of any activities in conjunction with the event.

Quick Overview

• Submit Application for Use of Borough Property Including Streets
• Provide Certificate of Insurance naming Borough as additional insured
• Obtain permission from Police Department, when necessary
• If event requires Police involvement, submit second application to Town, with a separate (second) Certificate of Insurance naming Town as additional insured
• Each of the three parties involved, Borough, Town & Police have their individual requirements. Contact the Town or Police Department with further questions regarding their procedures.
Full Details to follow below:
Policy & Permission Form
An APPLICATION FOR USE OF BOROUGH PROPERTY must be submitted to the Warden and Burgesses at least thirty (30) days in advance of the event for approval of the event, date, and location of the event to be held. The Warden and Burgesses usually meet on the 3rd Monday of each month (or the Tuesday following the 3rd Monday if Monday is a holiday). 
Special Events Policy Borough - Click here
Event Application - Click here



Organizations or parties wishing to use Borough property are required to provide insurance for their event. A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE must be submitted to the Warden and Burgesses together with the Application For Use of Borough Property at least thirty (30) days prior to the event. For organizations without an insurance policy, a special program is offered by CIRMA, the Borough's Insurance carrier, called T.U.L.I.P (Tenant Users Liability Insurance Program) which offers low cost, single event coverage. That might be an option for you.  Read the brochure for all of the details.  Should you wish to pursue this coverage, please use the sign in code: 0501-CUV.


NLC T.U.L.I.P flyer - Click here

Stonington Borough Tenant User Liability - Click here

Special Events Policy Borough - Click here

Town & Police Involvementnvolvement

If your event requires police involvement (parades, walks, runs, etc.), you will need to coordinate with the Police Department - (860) 599-4411.


In addition, because the Police Department falls under the umbrella of the Town of Stonington, your organization will need to complete a separate application for the Town (form below).  Insurance for the Town naming them as additional insured would also be required.  Contact the Town Hall with your questions at (860) 535-5002.

Special Events Policy Town - Click here



26 Church Street, Stonington, CT 06378

Mailing Address: PO Box 328

Stonington, CT 06378


This  is the official home page for the Borough of Stonington, CT. No other pages or  information have been prepared by the Borough.

Every effort is made to include accurate and up-to-date information in good faith; however, the Borough of  Stonington takes no legal responsibility for

the information provided or found  as a consequence of this service nor for any loss or damage resulting from this  information.

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