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Permits are Required for Dumpsters in the Borough

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  1. No dumpsters shall be permitted on Borough streets, sidewalks or other Borough property without a permit signed by the Borough’s Street Commissioner.

  2. Applications for dumpster permits may be obtained from and submitted to the Borough office by the property owner or authorized agent.

  3. No dumpster permit shall be approved or issued unless the Street Commissioner finds that the proposed location of such dumpster will not:

    a. unreasonably interfere with the movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic; b. cause any substantial safety hazards; and
    c. interfere with or hinder the progress of any Borough repair, maintenance, or

    improvement work.
    The Street Commissioner may place a limit on the length of time a dumpster may remain in its permitted location if he or she finds that such limit may be necessary to prevent any of the circumstances set forth in this section 3.

  4. Dumpsters for which a permit has been issued may be placed at their specified locations for seven days without charge. Fees will be charged thereafter, beginning at the rate of $100 per week and increasing by an additional $100 per week up to a maximum of $500 per week. The fee shall remain at $500 per week until the dumpster is removed. If a dumpster is removed for any reason and then returned to essentially the same location in less than five days, it will be considered to have been there continuously. Fees required under this section shall become due and payable when the dumpster is removed for good. The fee for a partial week shall be the same as the fee for a full week.

  5. Dumpsters placed on Borough streets, sidewalks or other Borough property without a permit, and dumpsters left in any such location beyond any time limit specified on the permit, or without payment of the required fees when due, shall be subject to fines in accordance with SBO-G01, in addition to any fees required under section 4.

  6. Dumpsters must be removed at the time of expiration of the permit, or upon the failure of the applicant to pay any required fees when due. Such removal shall be at the expense of the applicant.

Passed July 19, 2010; Revised September 15, 2014



26 Church Street, Stonington, CT 06378

Mailing Address: PO Box 328

Stonington, CT 06378


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